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Santa Tracker

Follow Santa as he makes his magical journey! ? NORAD Tracks Santa is optimized for
viewing in landscape mode. Rethink. What the web can be. with Internet ?
Celebrate the holiday season with the Google Santa Tracker app for Android. Santa?s
developer elves have created this app to follow Santa on his December 24th journey
as he delivers gifts to children all over the world. To learn more, visit
http://g.co/santatracker Happy Holidays!
Everyone?s tried-and-true first option, NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense
Command) is up-and-running as of 4:30 a.m., Christmas Eve. While you wait, they
offer games to play.

Not only can you track Kris Kringle?s progress around the world there, but you can
check out the Holiday Hub for a gallery of festively dressed pets ( #SantaPaws ) and
photos from Santa spotters...  More

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